Dienstag, 13. November 2007

The Fourth Chapter / The big decision

There is a small disagreement between Alex and Dani. But this cannot describe as like as a argument. Alex thinks that Dani criticizes his dream, but that is not correct. This disagreement delivered by the example of the penguins. Alex claims, that the penguins always are in the centre and that they should have more liberty and Dani has a different opinion.
I agree with Alex's opinion completely because I also find, that the pinguins should have more liberty. Penguins are exact like the people living being. Many penguins are represented in the zoo like a sight today. They have
hardly a freedom for themselves.

2 Kommentare:

müsli hat gesagt…

Hello Koray,
do you think the penguins are the reason for their little disagreement? Oh cute penguins but it would be a funny reason xD!
I think the penguins are a symbol or a comparison for Alex' dream...in my oppinion Dani would shoe Alex' that a live on stage have bad sides too!
Please think about your post and my comment, who's is the realistic one??
cu and good night
--> the animal you mean is called / written : pEnguin not pInguin

Marie hat gesagt…

hi koray,
josi found already a important fact. But I also think, that you spent much time on your blog, so it's very nice.
You add some picture, so it looks interesting,that you want to know more.