Sonntag, 25. November 2007

The Seventh Chapter / Father and son

After reading chapter 7:
1. Comment on the following quote: "And, of course, Alex understood only too well." (p.43, l.33)
2. Write a different ending of the chapter: "That night, when Alex had gone to sleep, TOM picked up his diary and began writing." (compare p.43, l.34f)

1. I would say this sentence means, that Alex really has understood why Tom left home when he was 2 years and a half. In my opinion Alex has accomplished his greatest aim, finding out and accepting why Tom had left home. He had flown to Australia and I would claim, that it has been worthwhile.

2. Friday , 8 February

Today was a lovely day for me. I am so happy, that Alex has finally understood why I have left him. He is such a good boy. I hope that he often will visit me in Australia and I will sent him also many cards. This day was the most beautiful one, I have experienced in the last months. I hope, that Alex sees it like me and had a lot of fun. I really like him.

1 Kommentar:

Anonym hat gesagt…

2. In my opinion it is a good text, because in the book it says that Tom is as little a child and fo me the teaxt is wriiten as a child("I am so happy""he is such a good boy"). You can write fewer I.
Nearly all of the sentences begin with I.
