Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2007

Project: Australian Connection

You should read this book because it is a nice story. It is about a boy named Alex, who wants to learn his real father after 16 years when he left home. The history is full of adventure and experiences and Alex learns a beautiful girl named Dani and falls in LOVE with her. It is worthwhile to read this book and I can recommend it.

Dienstag, 4. Dezember 2007

The ninth and tenth chapter / ... and down to earth, New Year's Eve

Wednesday, 5th December
/ Write a mini saga about chapter 9 & 10.

The Beat Crew is unpopular because Joe and Pete drunk to much and they become racists. Dani and Alex leave the band and go to England. They found a new band and were famous. Alex sees his father not as a father, but as a good friend. A happy end.

Samstag, 1. Dezember 2007

The Eighth Chapter / Up to the top ...

Monday, 3rd December
CHANGED From now on you work in blog teams. Read chapter 8. Which situation was most exciting or interesting? Give your opinion in about 3-5 sentences (ONLY). Then invite your blog team members (BTM) to give their opinion. You should go to all your BTM to say what you think about their findings.

My BMT => Marie St., Kati D., Emmi, Madiha, Kevin

I have show the location on the page 46, line 10 to 20. If you ask me, I would think that the band cannot become the number one in the Chart Show so fast. Especially , Alex is only a month in the band. In my opinion, it is impossible in such a short time to be excellent.

Sonntag, 25. November 2007

The Seventh Chapter / Father and son

After reading chapter 7:
1. Comment on the following quote: "And, of course, Alex understood only too well." (p.43, l.33)
2. Write a different ending of the chapter: "That night, when Alex had gone to sleep, TOM picked up his diary and began writing." (compare p.43, l.34f)

1. I would say this sentence means, that Alex really has understood why Tom left home when he was 2 years and a half. In my opinion Alex has accomplished his greatest aim, finding out and accepting why Tom had left home. He had flown to Australia and I would claim, that it has been worthwhile.

2. Friday , 8 February

Today was a lovely day for me. I am so happy, that Alex has finally understood why I have left him. He is such a good boy. I hope that he often will visit me in Australia and I will sent him also many cards. This day was the most beautiful one, I have experienced in the last months. I hope, that Alex sees it like me and had a lot of fun. I really like him.

Montag, 19. November 2007

The Sixth Chapter / Into the rain forest

,, Before reading chapter six ,,
Alex is very excited and nervous because he had not seen his father for 16 years and I would say that Alex will stutter surely when he speak with his father. In my opinion Alex will ask his father why he left home when he was two years and a half and why he nerver visited him when he was in London. I think that Tom should have good reasond, because he disappointet, Alex, his son a few times.

,, After reading chapter six ,,
my suspicion has been partly confirmed. He asked his father, why he never sent him a card to Christmas. What I find unbelieveble, is that Tom nothing else ,,All I can say is , I'm sorry" said. Tom's ground are not an excuse for me for what he had done. But I think, that Tom's compensation a week excursion to Queensland a good idea is.

Sonntag, 18. November 2007

The Fifth Chapter / The face in the crowd


1. What is your opinion about the disagreement in the band?
2. What do you think about Alex's reaction, when he saw his father the first time?
Justify your opinion!!!!!
3. What would be the first sentence of Tom if he will talk to Alex?
Justify your opinion!!!!!
4. What did you think when you read that they hit the cow?

Dienstag, 13. November 2007

The Fourth Chapter / The big decision

There is a small disagreement between Alex and Dani. But this cannot describe as like as a argument. Alex thinks that Dani criticizes his dream, but that is not correct. This disagreement delivered by the example of the penguins. Alex claims, that the penguins always are in the centre and that they should have more liberty and Dani has a different opinion.
I agree with Alex's opinion completely because I also find, that the pinguins should have more liberty. Penguins are exact like the people living being. Many penguins are represented in the zoo like a sight today. They have
hardly a freedom for themselves.

Montag, 5. November 2007

The Third Chapter / The island and the mountain

1. Describe what happens on top of St. Mary's Peak.
2. Why does Alex think "Let him see how he likes it"? Who is he? What will he like or not?

1.In this chapter Alex visited Toms nephew names Kevin. They went to Kangoroo Island and then to Wilpena Pound. There is a big mountain his name is St. Mary's Peak (1190 m). On the St. Mary's Peak Kevin spoke about Alex father. He said that Tom had forgotten him. Because of that Alex was very sad. The conversation was ended by the rain so they must went home.

2. Alex thinks in the night when he was on his bed: " Let him see how HE likes it". I think that Alex want to look what Tom feels when he went to London befor his father came.

Sonntag, 4. November 2007

The Second Chapter / Hello Australia

I think that Alex had an exciting day and I also think that Alex was very exhausted from the long flight ( he flow from Britain to Athens to Singapore and than to Sydney ).
He was very shocked when he didn't see his father at the airport when he arrieved. His father was in London so Alex couldn't see his father in the next days and he was very very very shocked that his father never visited him in London.
Alex got to know the wife and the children from his father and he was excited to play an instrument
bass guitar) in the band: ,,The Beat Crew,,

Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2007

The First Chapter / The Trip of a lifetime

The first chapter is a good introduction.
This was about Alex and his parents past and that the father had left home when Alex was 2 years and a half. I think that is a good idea from Alex to go to Australia to get to know his father better. He is able to do that, because his mother permits him fo go to Australia because his exames were very good. But I think that Alex acting to fast because he write a letter to his father that he will visited him in Sydney. He has not to do anything with his father befor. So I think that he tackled it the wrong way!

I think that this book isn't so interessting for me because I like more fantasy books and not adventure books and this book is easy to read. The first chapter is boring for me because nothing exciting happens and I already know stories as like as this, where the child is looking for his mother or his father.